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Opening Hours

Mon 11-5
Tues Closed
Wed  11-5
Thurs  11-5
Fri  11-5.30
Sat 11-5.30
Sun 11-5

Other times by appointment, please email us at for art consultancy appointments

12 Hanningtons Lane

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UP NEXT - Street

Street Exhibition 

26 April - 2 June

Join us for our latest street art exhibition! Held at Paxton+Glew Contemporary Art Gallery, where you can see and collect the incredible pieces on display. 
From street photography, plein air painting, to metal work and stencils, we have something for everyone in this exciting exhibition in the lanes.

Artists include:

Dan Rawlings, Lee Eelus, Broken Hartist, Richard Heeps, Alice Hesketh, Cassette Lord, Littlepapa Dollhouse, Emily Paxton, The Postman, Elliot Roworth, Zeus & More!

next show info

Next Showing  The Swimmers 

June 6 - June 30

We are thrilled to announce our next exhibition 'The Swimmers', from underwater photography to paintings, collage and print, in this show we celebrate the sea and those adventurous souls that brave the waters!

Alongside work from gallery artists, we also introduce 2 new names to the gallery; collage artist Cassia Beck and painter Debbie Lawrence
Join us for the Preview Night- Thursday 6 June from 6-8pm


Sophie Abbott
Cassia Beck
David Bray
Pam Glew
Richard Heeps
Lexi Laine
Debbie Lawrence
Tiffany Lynch
Ellis Muddle
Ruth Mulvie
Liz Pounsett
Lou Taylor

We hope you enjoy this rich and collectable show, which marks the start of summer in the gallery.
Emily & Pam - Paxton+Glew

Own Art

Collect with Own Art

You can now purchase original art with us via Own Art. Own Art is a national initiative, supported by Arts Council England, to make it easy and affordable for anyone and everyone to buy contemporary art by providing interest-free loans. Choose the artwork you love, apply for a loan from as little as £100 up to 2,500 and pay it back over 10 completely interest-free.
Own Art is valid on Original Artwork and Original Prints.

Find out more about the scheme and eligibility criteria:
To request a purchase via Own Art please email us>

current show - more

In the gallery this month

Find a wide selection of artwork by all our artists, with photographs by Richard Heeps, screenprints by Dave Buonaguidi, abstract landscapes by Tiffany Lynch, cassettes, bunnys and cats by Cassette Lord and new works by many of our gallery artists.

Ruth Mulvie presents new limited edition prints in her colourful distinctive style. Using vintage iconography and saturated hues alongside fauna, fauna, her contemporary pop style brings colour and joy to any wall.  The Postman has a selection of new originals and prints

Lee Eelus has a selection of new and rare prints in the gallery now.

Currently showing now

Art for your walls

Ruth Mulvie;s paintings bring joy and colour to your interior with her stunning originals on canvas.

Gallery artists inside include Richard Heeps, Ben Allen, Ruth Mulvie, Sophie Abbott, The Postman and Lee Eelus and much more besides....

©2024 Paxton Glew
. Website by Modern Websites